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  • A320 Manual+Procedures | AI Tutor

    Every week
    Artificial Intelligence Instructor Software access | Monthly payments
     7 day free trial
    • 1 Month access to A320 AI Instructor based on Airbus Manuals
    • AI Features: FCOM, FCTM, QRH, Airbus Tutorial Slides | 22e
  • Silver Plan | Maverick | A320 AI access

    Every week
    Artificial Intelligence Instructor Software access | Monthly payments
     7 day free trial
    • 1 Month access to A320 AI Instructor based on Airbus Manuals
    • AI Features: FCOM, FCTM, QRH, Airbus Tutorial Slides | 22e
    • unlimited Flight Academy A320 Type Rating File share access
    • Discount for Airline Assessment Online Coaching
  • GOLD | Personal Tutor

    Every month
    Personal Senior Captain Tutor | A320 FCOM and FCTM online Classes + Personal Individual Airline assessment preparation + ALL Services as in SILVER Membership Plan included
    • Airline Assessment Online Preparation

Maverick | Membership Plans


Say hello to Maverick, our AI A320 Training Robot!


Maverick provides the ultimate training experience with its interactive dialogue and personalized AI feedback, designed to help you prepare for your

next Airbus A320 LPC, OPC, Airline Training or Airline Assessment/Interview.


Get ready to take your training to the next level with Maverick!

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