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MCF Course | Maintenance | Demopilot Courses

India DGAC Type Rating A320.png

EASA part SPO requires Pilots by law to perform a course before being allowed to do a maintenance check flight or Demo flights (also called Test-flights):

  • A320, A330/350 Family Course

  • B737 Types Course

  • ATR Types Course

  • Embraer E170-195 Course

Our Instructors have extensive experience on Demo-Flying, Test-flying these Models after Maintenance or at Airline Lessee changes, Return to Lessor situations.

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A320 Demo Flight Impriessions
Demopilot A320

EASA Law: SPO.SPEC.MCF (extract)

Flight crew requirements for a “Level A” maintenance check flight

(1) that the pilot-in-command has followed a training course in accordance with point
SPO.SPEC.MCF.120; if the training has been conducted in a simulator, the pilot shall
conduct at least one “Level A” maintenance check flight as a pilot monitoring or as an
observer before flying as a pilot-in-command on a “Level A” maintenance check flight;

(2) that the pilot-in-command has completed on aircraft of the same aircraft category as the
aircraft to be flown a minimum of 1 000 flight hours, of which at least 400 hours as a pilotin-
command in a complex motor-powered aircraft and at least 50 hours on the particular
aircraft type.

TARGET GROUP - prerequisites


Rated and current on Aircraft type with experience as per regulatory requirements

SPO.SPEC.MCF.115 Flight crew requirements :

For flights with complex motor-powered aircraft, the pilot-in-command shall: hold a valid type rating, have completed a minimum of 1 000 flight hours as pilot-in-command on aircraft with similar characteristics, and have followed a training course in accordance with SPO.SPEC.MCF.120; or hold a valid test pilot rating.

Task Specialist can do the course and then act as:

  • A third pilot on the flight deck, or

  • A Flight Engineer who has followed a familiarization course on the type, or

  • A Maintenance Engineer who has successfully followed the applicable maintenance type rating course as per Part 147 or equivalent, or

  • A Flight Operations Engineer who has followed a familiarization course on the type

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