ATPL-A CBT Self-Study | E-Books + EASA Pre-Exam
SELF-STUDY Class | ATPL Book set, EASA compliant | E-Books and CBT + 1 Pre-Exam by EASA Airline Pilot Academy|
Capt. TRI A320 A.Gallati from Switzerland will take the written Online-Pre-Exam online after the Self-Study period of minimum 6 weeks.
The entire set of 15 E-Books and CBT Login cover the learning objectives of the EASA syllabi for PPL, IR, CPL and ATPL courses.
Average study duration 600 - 650 hours.
An invaluable asset in EASA Theoretical ATPL exam preparation and gaining Basic Airline Pilot knowledge.
Packed with a total of over 3500 illustrations and a large number of questions, the books are authored by experts with extensive teaching experience.
How long is the login valid?
12 months for ATPL-A
EASA EXAM Days in Switzerland 2022 and onward years, see link:
ATPL-A Book set, EASA compliant | Books onlyThe entire set of 15 books cover the learning objectives of the EASA syllabi for PPL, IR, CPL and ATPL courses.
An invaluable asset in exam preparation and gaining knowledge.
Packed with a total of over 3500 illustrations and a large number of questions, the books are authored by experts with extensive teaching experience.EASA EXAM Days in Switzerland 2022 and onward years, see link:
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