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Meet The Team
Who We Are...

Adrian Gallati
Founder & CEO
A320 TRI / TRE, Airlinepilot and Examiner
with more than 30 years experience in the industry
Accountable Manager and Head of Training at our ATO - CH.ATO.0310
+41 78 685 50 34

Capt. V. Rister
Chief Flight Instructor and Responsible Person
for Theoretical Training
SFI A320
+49 172 6660100

Alexender Wolf
Compliance Monitoring Manager
Former Compliance manager from Swiss International Airlines
SFI A320
Ivan Tallarico
A320 First Officer and TKI
Theory Instructor on A320
+41 79 538 06 90

Tiago Esteves
A320 First Officer
Chief of A320 Type rating Sales
+351 934 088 991
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