Terms & Conditions
General Terms
§ The General Terms apply to classroom Lessons, Simulator training session or flight training courses. Some stipulations, however, are only intended for selected course offers. The individually numbered course enrollment and training offers (hereafter referred as "INO") sent to the student / candidate may contain additional conditions for a specific course.
§The course fee according to the INO accepted by the student or candidate, after that he has agreed to accept the INO by clicking the digital "ACCEPT" button on the INO, is payable upon receipt and due date indicated of the invoice, but latest before the commencement of the Simulator course part. Otherwise the ATO reserves the right to suspend or terminate any training, course or service. An indicated downpayment on the INO is due upon invoice receipt. In case of a cancellation of the enrollment, the applicant is not entitled to a compensation or refund of all the the paid amounts and the invoiced amount remains due. No claim for reimbursement is accepted for a premature termination or no show of the course (see also § Cancellation below). No refunds nor partial refunds of any payments received after enrollment or booking at the ATO for any courses or services booked or attended. Further information will be given by the administration.
§All courseware, be it available online, CD/DVD or on the school server, or by means of written manuals or courseware, is delivered "as is", and is not guaranteed to be free from errors or defects. The ATO makes no express or implied warranty, and disclaims any express or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The ATO's entire liability shall be limited to replacing defective courseware. In no event shall the ATO be liable to students or any other person for direct, indirect, incidental, consquential or other damages from tort, contract, strict liability or other theory arising out of any claim that the data are defective, unreliable, unsafe, or fail to conform with any government or industry standard or regulation, or faulty instruction.
§All classroom lessons, Presence Learning Seminars (including Online Meetings and Lessons via any communication mean), and Self Study Lessons arranged by the ATO, must be attended by the student. No examinations may be performed without the satisfactory attendance or course, lessons and seminars. Applicable EASA Part-FCL rules apply, as well as the ATO Manuals, Regulations for theoretical courses.
§Online Learning Courses or Classes require internet access and a valid email address by the student or candidate.
The student is granted access to the E-Learning Courses (ELC) during his entire course time span. The user is fully responsible for his personal login and password. The password must be kept confidential at all times. Use of the login and/or password through third parties is expressly forbidden. The data and all accompanying documentation, if any, are owned by the ATO or the respective software or hardware provider and are protected by copyright. Any reproduction by the student in whole or part is strictly prohibited, without the written consent of the ATO.
§ The student is responsible for performing all homework, by ATO, instructors, or Tele Tutors. Homework and additional excercises must be completed in due time, anytime upon the school's request.
§ Upon completion of the course, the student is obliged to perform an internal examination, according to the ATO Regulations, which are handed out to the students upon course commencement. FOCA examinations on the PPL level are possible in German, French, Italian, and English, whereas instruction by the ATO for PPL, CPL, IR and ATPL as well as all MCC or Type Rating courses are available for English examinations only.
§ Prior to CPL, IR and ATPL courses, a successfully performed Aptitude Test (Entry Assessment), according to EASA Part-FCL and the internal ATO regulations, is required. Sound knowledge of English and ICAO Level >4 ELP is a prerequisite for all courses. On principle, classroom instruction is conducted in English, unless otherwise stated by the ATO.
Published course and internal exam dates, etc., are binding whenever possible, subject to changes due to important reasons or unforeseen circumstances.
§ The ATO reserves the right to postpone the beginning of any course in case of insufficient participation. Payments already made by the student will be credited for a later start or later course within a maximum delay of 180days from initial first commenced course. Presence Learning Seminars of the Distance Learning Courses are held subject to sufficient participants. No refund or damage claims accepted in case of delay of course due to insufficient participants as per Syllabus or legal requirements
§ Although every effort is undertaken to offer continuous data supply over the Internet, the ATO can not be held responsible for any interruption of such supply through the ELC, the information material, parts of it, or the online testing site, or for any damage or loss of studying time that may occur through the non-availability of the online services. Online tests are evaluated automatically, therefore, ATO is not responsible for the accuracy of evaluation or tests, nor for the compatibility of the online testing platform with the student's equipment or internet connection. Full functionality of the ELC can not be guaranteed with all browsers and operating systems.
With the consent to these General Terms, the user declares that he fully understands the requirements for the courses and tests provided on the course platform. The user further declares, that all testing is performed solely by himself. Failure to comply with the regulations herein could lead to non-admission to the examinations or to the refusal of further access to this platform at ATOs discretion. Distance Learning Courses are restricted to a maximum allowable course duration. The maximum allowable duration is available upon request. Extensions are possible, providing EASA Part-FCL rules are met, and for an additional monthly fee.
§ The question data bases (QDB) can not be considered as complete, or without errors. They do not in every case provide a representative profile for an official Civil aviation authority examination or oral examiner questioning by any Examiner. A 'common sense approach' is necessary when working with the questionnaires. Every effort has been made to provide useful material. However, the ATO undertakes no responsibility for the accuracy of questions and/or answers. The QDB is constantly be updated, and any copying of the QDB is strictly forbidden.
§ The ATO reserves the right to forward a student or candidate, the full course or class or any part of it to any duly approved third party ATO or training organisation with the same scope. It must by duly approved by any EASA CAA member state.
§ With his enrollment, the student expressly agrees with the General Terms and Regulations for Training
§ For Airline assessment rules, availability and conditions refer to the airline recruitment website or assessment center provider website directly. The ATO cannot be held liable by the student for any information given to the student regarding employment possibilities or interview pass rates after course completion at the ATO.
Disclaimer, Confidentiality agreement, Data protection and Insurance Statement
You give your consent to this statement here by accepting the course offer (INO), by commencing any online program or course or by entering any Simulator or Training facility by your physical presence, and you accept:
§ The ATO Instructor, Freelancer or course participant hereby declares, by clicking the "Read or accept Button" and/or completing any Course part that he is aware of the fact, that the ATO has no special accident or health insurance coverage for instructors or students enlisted with the ATO during training. He is aware that the access and utilization of the training facilities, FSTD and aircraft (room, buildings and all simulator(s) and/or aircraft) occur at his own free will and risk. The ATO cannot be held liable for any damage or losses occurred or induced, directly nor indirectly (property, license or personal health or death).
§ Proper Insurance for participation and/or travel to/from training site remain the sole responsibility of the training / course partecipant(s).
The Student releases the ATO and or Jetline Training GmbH from any liability for and shall indemnify and hold the ATO and JETLINE TRAINING GmbH, or any of its instructors or subsidiaries or affiliates harmless from and against any and all losses, costs, damage, claims or expenses, of whatever nature and regardless how caused, arising out of or attributable to any training, advice, assistance or services provided there under, including if caused by the training providers / ATO gross negligence or willful misconduct.
ACCIDENT & INSURANCE and Data Release CONSENT declaration
§ The student or client consents by having clicked "accept" button on offer all of the following:
The CUSTOMER / Student or Trainee / Participant shall maintain any and all personnel insurance required for CUSTOMER’s / Student or Trainee / participant personnel, such as but not limited to insurance covering general liability, personal accidents, hospital care, or any other related costs or expenses. We will not cover any cost or expenses arising from any accident to or sickness or bear any
liability for any of CUSTOMER’s personnel whenever or for whatever reason such costs or expenses have been incurred.
CUSTOMER shall keep its participating staff insured in respect of liability arising from loss of or damage caused to our property by CUSTOMER’s personnel, the Trainee / Pilot or participant.
No accident or incident / health insurance coverage by ATO:
Start of Declaration ->> I hereby declare that I am aware of the fact, that the ATO has no special accident or health insurance coverage for students enlisted with the ATO during training, and/or flight training at an Airline or Air Operator (AOC). I take the risk without substitution or refund claim towards the ATO or its affiliates or partners / shareholders in case of Sickness or Accident, personal body injury or death, which may result in additional training and facility rental costs. I am aware that the access and utilization of the training facilities, FSTD and aircraft (room, buildings and all simulator and aircraft) occur at my own will and risk and may cause personal injury or death. The ATO or its affiliates or partners / shareholders cannot be held liable for any damage or losses (property, license or personal health or death).
I declare to keep all materials, information, training methods, ATO property and intellectual property and all communication confidential, unless explicitly approved in writing for sharing by the ATO. The ATO has my consent to claim all losses associated with a breach of this paragraph and agreement.
I consent that the ATO uses all information provided or transmitted by the student to the competent Civil aviation authority for purposes related to the training course provided. <<-- End of Declaration
§ He declares further to keep all materials, information, training methods, ATO property and intellectual property and all communication confidential, unless explicitly approved in writing for sharing by the ATO. The ATO reserves the right to claim all losses associated with a breach of this paragraph and agreement.
§ The ATO Instructor, Freelancer or course participant consent that the ATO uses all information provided or transmitted by the student to the competent Civil aviation authority for purposes related to the training course provided.
§ The ATO Instructors on duty must treat all other information, data received, transmitted from the student or ATO as confidential and it will not be used for marketing, private or commercial purposes, nor shared with other affiliates or third parties unless approved to do so by the student.
§ Third party software used, privately purchased applications, even if suggested for use by the ATO, remain under the sole responsibility of the individual user i.e. "ATO Instructor, Freelancer" or course participant / student to comply with the respective contractual terms and to respect any EULA (end user license agreements displayed or contained). The The ATO Instructor, Freelancer or course participant is not allowed to use any screenshots, videos or content, of your privately purchased hard- or software for any commercial use in the context or affiliation with the ATO.
Regulations for Training
0) Training Agreement
This training agreement consitutes the entire Agreement between the parties hereto. No work, service, or liability on the part of ATO / School, other than that specifically mentioned In this agreement is induced, or intended.
Terms and Regulations submitted to students or client on digital Offer or Invoice become applicable once the "ACCEPT"
button is clicked and represent herewith students or clients written consent. Parts of the text contained on it represent the Training agreement and are integral part of the training and obligations of both parties concerned.
If the student, his affiliate, representative or client clicked the ACCEPT Button on the offer OR he/she pays the due amount in part or in full, he/she agrees and accepts all Terms & conditions and the offer (INO) becomes / constitutes the training agreement.
1) Absences
A maximum of 10 % of the entire course duration (Classroom, Briefing Time in Briefing room, Online or VR-Training or Presence Learning Seminars, if applicable) may be missed. With absences of more than 10 % in a subject, Lesson or single Unit, The ATO reserves the right to restrict or constraint examination admission!
Simulator Sessions must be completed and attended with NO absences at all. Otherwise the ATO reserves the right to reschedule the missed training session at cost.
2) Admission to Examinations
Decision for the admission to an exam will be undertaken by ATO’s executive body, entitled representative Instructor or Head of Training. Prior to every official examination (also in case of retest or postponement) internal exams are to be performed.
Passing grades are set to 75 %.
In general, admission to retest is only possible after appropriate re-training. Re-training may consist (upon ATO’s discretion) of additional classroom attendance, attendance of a Presence Learning Seminar (level-specific), a Distance Learning Course in the respective subjects, or in any combination considered adequate. Without prejudice, re-training may be free. This also applies expressly to "Special Conversion Offer" courses.
The rules of FCL.025 (a)(2)&(3) apply with regard to admission to examinations, where applicable.
3) Internal Exams, Progress Test
Internal exams are to be performed in-house by means of written test papers (level PPL, Type ratings or MCC Courses) or computerized exams (CPL, ATPL, IR). Published regulations on the e-learning platform apply. Internal exams during advancement from CPL/CPL-IR to ATPL may be performed online, upon ATOs discretion.
4) Distance Learning Courses ("DLC") - (if applicable) | refer also to third party ATO provider of DLC (if applicable)
All rules as set out in the course enrollment form apply. In principle, students are free to choose the suitable Presence Learning Seminar. ATO reserves the right to assign a Presence Learning Seminar when the maximum allowable course duration is reached. A maximum allowable course duration is set out, published on the course enrollment form and on the e-learning platform.
5) Additional regulations
Intermediate exams may be ordered any time by ATO during a course.
All relevant rules according to EASA Part FCL and any additional stipulations of the Federal Office of Civil Aviation are applicable to these regulations.
6) The course attendee herewith accepts that his lesson or training session may be subject to video recording and storage. He consent and allows the ATO free usage of his image (face, body, spoken language) for storage, marketing and refuses the right to claim from the ATO or its affiliates any remuneration or compensation for the aforementioned picture, video and audio recordings.
These regulations are an integral part of the General Terms and are accepted as integral part of the INO as soon as the student, clientor customer clicks "ACCEPT" button, which will be recorded.
7) All training may be suspended, extended, revoked or cancelled by the ATO head of training for any reasons and / or due to unforeseen circumstances at any time without prior notice.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The head of training of the ATO reserves the right to oblige the student to enroll for more training prior to issue any course completion certificate or attestation. Laws and regulations remain governing.The ATO reserves the right to terminate any training without notice period and without allowing right to appeal to any information given by the ATO, instructors, tutors or affiliates and without refund obligations at any time. Sent invoices for enrolled courses remain due and will be collected.
Especially before or during landing / flight training / simulator training sessions / line-training / block hour building programs (i.e. due to rescheduelling of aircraft or simulator for operational reasons, bankrupcy of the aircraft operator, maintenance, weather conditions, etc. (listing non exhaustive).
The student consents after enrollment and with his payment of the fees to revoke his right to claim back any refunds or make claims for replanning or travel costs / rebooking cost of travel, nutrition and accomodation due to §7.
The ATO, Instructor or Training provider shall not be liable for any failure to provide any services under the Agreement including the failure in operation of any FSTD’s and/or the Mock-up, Training Simulator or any other Training Mean or Media, caused through
circumstances beyond its control including but not limited to acts of God, power failures, accidents to or mechanical or electrical failures of FSTD’s and all the Training Means or Media (not limited to the ones operated by the ATO but also for those being supplied by a third party supplier) or any part thereof or any machinery or apparatus in connection therewith or any other training device, mean or media (incl. internet, applications, CBT, LMS, Hompages, cloud storage or any other data / file.)
The School / ATO does not warrant the authenticity of any record or document provided to ATO regarding the training. ATO does not warrant the authenticity of any record or document provided to ATO regarding student or pilots. The student or client expressly releases ATO for and from any and all causes of action that might accrue as a result of ATOs employees, instructors or ATOs affiliates actions. The client/student expressly releases ATO for and from any and all causes of action that might arise as a result of said ATOs or affiliates or third party supplier actions. The ATO make no representations, warranties, and guarantees, express or implied, other than the express warranties and guarantees contained In this Training Offer. ATO is not responsible or liable for any past present and future event or situation concerning the student or client including but not limited to any incident, accident, violation, damage to the aircraft or beings on board including but not limited to crew, passengers, ground personnel, support personnel, state representative personnel and cargo on board including luggage and all freight. The ATO is not responsible for any adverse events or situations or actions including but not limited to any government actions, pandemic, epidemic, international terrorism, war and/or hijacking.
9) Various provisions
§ Diploma | Course completion certificate:
If a student has not paid the training fees in full, the ATO reserves the right to refuse to issue any attestation, diploma, signature(s) required or course completion certificate.
§ IMPORTANT NOTE: In first Phase of Training the ATO must receive on file copies in good quality PDF scan of all Documents required by Law as course pre-requisites (i.e. see: https://www.jetline-training.com/airbus).
I.e. for any Type Rating Course:
- License (with endorsed valid or expired ME-IR (incl. PBN))
- Medical (Must be valid from start of course + 6 Months minimum to guarantee it is valid at Sim check and during base training flight on aircraft!) - student must send valid Medical to CFI for this period please.
- Passport copy
- Logbook copy with 70h PIC
- MCC Certificate (unless you hold already an EASA MPA (multi-pilot) Type Rating)
- aUPRT Certificate (unless you hold already an EASA Type Rating)
- ATPL Theory completion Certificate all Subjects (unless you hold already an EASA ATPL(A) full - License)
§ IMPORTANT NOTE: Please check travel rules to Sim Center - Crews are exempted from most travel restrictions in most cases (i.e. Covid-19, sanctions, etc.)
i.e.: https://klm.traveldoc.aero/ or https://travelcheck.admin.ch/home
§ A Health Certificate may be required for course attendance depending on Sim Training Center / Aircraft rented / Airline, Air Operator, aircraft operator rules / Academy / Training building used.
We reserve the right to pause or stop training immediately for non-healthy persons, sick persons or persons unfit to fly. Especially if they risk to be contageous towards other students or Instructors. Protective Breathing equipment must be worn upon Tutor, Instructor request at all times.
No replanning, no compensation or refund granted. We highly suggest to make a private travel insurance / no-show / no attendance insurance for the training event planned in due time before attending the course and, or especially the most expensive Simulator or Aircraft training part!
We refuse any liability for non compliance of trainee with local rules & regulations.
No refund for late arrival or no show of student / candidate to published FINAL training plan or roster for any reason.
§ No salary or remuneration given by the ATO. Hotel and travel cost always at clients expense.
§ NOTE: Student may be required to purchase necessary third party application(s) required for training on Apple(TM) Store / Google (TM) play etc. or purchase hardware or software subscriptions for the duration of the course upon ATO, Head of Training and/or Instructor order or as described in any course CBT (computer-based training) or LMS (learning management system). Student / Client cost / Expense is limited to max. 1000 EUR for the duration of any course.
§ NOTE: If the student or client request the hotel reservation and the Hotel provider confirms the accomodation or stay, all reservations are subject to the following Hotel cancellation policy: no refund or changes allowed once Hotel booking is confirmed. The student or candidate must submit a Credit card for confirmation and we reserve the right to charge the credit card on file for any cost re-charged by the Hotel or transportation provider.
Any Enrollment fees, Taxes/Stamps/Fees and Exam fees are always non refundable immediately once paid.
The ATO and/or Student reserves the right to terminate the training or course without notice and without refund obligations at any time. (Especially for aircraft base training or line training, which can be terminated, aborted or cancelled at anytime without prior notice and without refund obligation by the ATO or its affiliates or partners / shareholders (i.e. for operational reasons, aircraft defects, fleet changes, economical reasons, force majeure or unforeseen circumstances)! NO refunds for all payments made after course or training part / session or flight or line-training enrollment or academy inscription has been confirmed by ATO or ACCEPT button clicked. If you paid an amount for the training, once training is commenced and/or the course logins or site admission to training material submitted or granted, even in case of no show, none used login or after logins have been transmitted or no start / no show: The paid amount is NON-Refundable! No exceptions!
We refuse any liability for non compliance of trainee with local rules & regulations. No refund for late arrival or no show of student / candidate to published training plan or roster for any reason. If a student misses a planned simulator session replanning or rescheduling will be charged at cost. Student may be charged for no-show damage incurred to the other course attending student (simulator re-rental, instructor cost, rental of a suitably qualified copilot for examination sessions, etc. - listing non exhaustive).
The ATO or its Instructors on Duty or the Pilot in command during a flight training have the right to terminate the flight training at anytime without any refund obligations, if flight safety may be affected (i.e. if a student is deemed mentally impaired, under drug or alcohol influence or unfit to fly or unable to receive or understand instructions).
§ IMPORTANT NOTE: Additionally the ATO expressively can not be held liable for unforseen circumstances, operational changes of any nature or "force majeure" nor actions from affiliates, employees, suppliers and/or external parties resulting in no show of ATO Instructors or Examiners, training aircraft, line-training, airline assessment, interview, block hour building program, etc. (listing non-exhaustive) and/or resulting cancellation or delay of training lessons or simulator training or examination sessions, block hour building program, flight training (or parts thereof), such as but not limited to operational reasons, unforseen circumstances, economical reasons, operator bankruptcy, flight interruption or termination, cacellations, force majeure, strikes, war, pandemics, catastrophic events, Student or Instructor or Examiner sickness, illness, injury or accident.
No Refunds nor damage claims accepted by any reasons or means!
$ The student / client herewith agrees to withdraw he's right for claim towards any party involved! You expressively refuse the right to hold the ATO liable for any refund or damage claim. The client/student or pilot enrolled releases the ATO, their subsidiaries and their employees, agents from any liability for, and shall indemnify and hold them harmless from and against, any and all losses, costs, damages, claims or expenses of whatever nature and regardless how caused arising out of or attributable to the training and/or services, including the use of the training or aircraft equipment, and any other advice or assistance provided to each other hereunder whether or not covered by this Agreement.
$ Any block hour program / hour building program or employment agreements signed by the client or student directly with any third party (i.e. Airline or Aircraft operator) are NOT part of this training agreement and thus does not encompass the ATO by any means, even if the ATO has made a relationship or profit from aforementioned program brokerage (brokerage fee). The brokerage fee becomes due after signing the agreement with the third party Airline or Operator and is non-refundable by any reasons, even not in case of non-attendance or non start of aforementioned service by the third party (i.e. airline bankruptcy, interruption or cancellation of employmen or flight training, unforseen circumstances, force majeure, aircraft defects, etc. (listing-non exhaustive).
$ NOTE for ICAO LICENSE HOLDERS (non-EASA licensed clients / students): if you do not hold an EASA license it remains your SOLE responsibility to ask your ICAO CAA if they accept our completion certificate from EASA ATO CH.ATO.0310, we refuse any responsibility of non compliance. No refunds!
$ NOTE: no oral or other information transmitted via any other communication mean is valid or relevant for the training agreement and considered void / invalid if not stated on the above OFFER or INVOICE. All additional arrangements or agreements need a new or amended written offer (new or amended INO or Invoice)
$ NOTE: The course attendee herewith accepts that his lesson or training session may be subject to video recording and storage. He consent and allows the ATO free usage of his image (face, body, spoken language) for storage, legal evidence in case of dispute, marketing reasons and refuses the right to claim from the ATO or its affiliates any remuneration or compensation for the aforementioned picture, video and audio recordings. The ATO is herewith entitled and released from its GDPR or any other governing data protection regulation and may resell all student or client data collected, without any remuneration obligation towards the data inserting or submitting party to the ATO.
$ Any dispute arising under this training agreement shall be resolved according to the laws of Switzerland in Wil and any litigation brought under this agreement shall be brought in Wil Switzerland.
Court of jurisdiction: Zug, Switzerland.
Please find for download our ATO or FSTD certificates of the school of training concerned within the file share on the School Intranet.